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Open Grid Forum

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Open Grid Forum

An Open Global Forum for Advanced Distributed Computing

OGF is an open global community committed to driving the rapid evolution and adoption of modern advanced applied distributed computing, including cloud, grid and associated storage, networking and workflow methods. OGF is focused on developing and promoting innovative scalable techniques, applications and infrastructures to improve productivity in the enterprise and within the international research, science and business communities.

OGF accomplishes its work through open forums, interactions and events that build the community, explore trends, share optimal approaches, document findings and consolidate these results where appropriate into standards. The output products that result from this process document and codify best practices and standards that provide the basis for some of the largest and most powerful operational computing infrastructure systems in the world.

OGF is Open! OGF adheres to and endorses the OpenStand principles for open standards development and is a signatory to the joint statement of affirmation of these principles.

Top News:

New Leadership Team Announced!

Acting on recommendations from the Nominating Committee mentioned below and from the Grid Forum Steering Group, the OGF Board of Directors met June 30, 2015 and approved three new assignments:

  • President: Alan Sill, Texas Tech University
  • Vice President of Standards: Jens Jensen, STFC RAL
  • Vice President of Community: Wolfgang Ziegler, Fraunhofer SCAI

These positions and the roles of the operational leadership for OGF are described in our Officers page.

Beyond the above appointments, a nominating committee (NomCom) remains in place as commissioned and initiated at the OGF 40 meeting. It is currently cataloguing open leadership positions, OGF internal structure and needs and will report back to the OGF Board and operational leadership as needed to make recommendations for positions and candidates. A NomCom meeting and Standards Council / Grid Forum Steering Group meeting will be held in addition to the other events at each OGF in-person meeting as needed. For more information, please see the NomCom pages.

Output, Areas and Groups

OGF's significant output includes the Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI) family of specifications, the Network Service Interface (NSI) and other associated advanced networking specifications, the Data Format Description Language (DFDL) and related experience documents, Basic Execution Services (BES), the Job Submission Definition Language (JSDL), the Grid Laboratory Uniform Environment (GLUE) schema, the Certificate Authority Operations (CAOPS) working group and Federated Security community group supporting the Interoperable Global Trust Federation (IGTF) for authentication and authorization profiles and protocols used in cloud and grid computing, the WS-Agreement (WSAG) and WS-Agreement Negotiation (WSAN) specifications for automated machine-readable service agreements, and a variety of other informational, experimental, community practice and standards-oriented recommendation documents and specifications. You can also read more about OGF Documents and Standards here.

It is easy to get started by participating in community groups and working groups, attending OGF events, and joining as an individual member or organizational supporter. Membership is not required to participate in OGF events, groups or document production, but carries certain benefits including reduced-rate attendance at OGF-organized meetings that may make joining attractive.

Use these links to explore the communities that accomplish the work of OGF, or discover more About OGF.


Check out the many OGF Published Documents, learn more about how OGF goes about Delivering Value to the community and about optional but valuable Membership in the Open Grid Forum, and Contact OGF to find out more on any question or topic.

You can also follow @OpenGridForum and/or @OGFStandards to keep up with news and events, publications and interact with us on Twitter.

This is a static archive of the Open Grid Forum Dokuwiki content retrieved from host file /ogf/doku.php at Wed, 26 Oct 2022 19:20:36 GMT