This is a static archive of the Open Grid Forum Dokuwiki content retrieved from host file /ogf/doku.php/structure/areas_and_groups at Wed, 26 Oct 2022 19:20:54 GMT structure:areas_and_groups [Open Grid Forum]

Open Grid Forum

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The Open Grid Forum is led by the Grid Forum Steering Group (GFSG), consisting of the Area Directors for each of the areas listed below plus other organizational, operations and at-large members, which are nominated by the community according to a defined process and approved by the OGF Board of Directors. The GFSG itself is led by the OGF President and Vice Presidents, who are also approved and appointed by the OGF Board.

The current GFSG officer team as approved by the OGF Board is as follows:

  • President: Alan Sill, Texas Tech University (USA)
  • Vice President of Standards: Jens Jensen, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (United Kingdom)
  • Vice President of Community: Wolfgang Ziegler, Fraunhofer SCAI (Germany)
  • Editor: Gregory Newby, Compute Canada (Canada)
  • Area Directors as listed below

OGF Areas and Groups

The OGF Areas are organized for development of architectures, specifications, roadmaps and glossaries for distributed computing software through OGF community groups and working groups. These groups produce their respective output through application of the OGF document process. This work also includes the management of technical liaisons with other Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) and the promotion of the adoption of standardized and interoperable distributed computing software.

Applications Area

Area Director: Wolfgang Ziegler, Fraunhofer SCAI (Germany)

The Applications Area explores grid application development issues and programming interfaces required by grid applications.

Architecture Area

Area Director: Andrew Grimshaw, University of Virginia (USA)

The Architecture Area hosts working and research groups that aim to define architectures for Grid computing. Architectures form the frameworks and design patterns for grids.

Compute Area

Data Area

Infrastructure Area

Area Director: Richard Hughes-Jones, DANTE (United Kingdom)

The Infrastructure groups explore and define what is needed to interface physical and virtual resources to higher level constructs such as OGSA. These include networks and network devices, computers and virtual machines, storage, visualization devices, instruments, and sensor technologies.

Liaison Area

Area Director: (open)

The mission of OGF liaisons is to facilitate information exchange and promote collaboration with Standards Development Organizations, industry groups and grid projects. Each liaison presents OGF's position to peer organizations and periodically updates and synchronizes collaborative activities. View the OGF Liaison organizations and representatives.

Management Area

Area Director: Andre Merzky, Rutgers University (USA)

The Management Area covers the management of essential grid operating components, such as policies, processes, equipment, and data, for overall effectiveness of grid systems, storage, applications, and services.

Security Area

Area Director: Jens Jensen, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (United Kingdom)

The Security Area is concerned with technical and operational security issues in Grid environments, including authentication, authorization, privacy, confidentiality, auditing, firewalls, trust establishment, policy establishment, and dynamics, scalability and management aspects of all of the above.

This is a static archive of the Open Grid Forum Dokuwiki content retrieved from host file /ogf/doku.php/structure/areas_and_groups at Wed, 26 Oct 2022 19:20:59 GMT