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This is a static archive of the Open Grid Forum Dokuwiki content retrieved from host www.ogf.org file /ogf/doku.php/events/ogf-42/schedule at Wed, 26 Oct 2022 19:43:28 GMT
The registration desk is in the foyer of the Sir Andrew Fleming (SAF) Building, between the two Chemistry buildings on Imperial College Road.
The week starts with the ACC workshop Monday 8 Sep. There will be a conference-wide welcome session including OGF Tuesday morning, 9 Sep. from 9:00 to 9:30 followed by the initial keynote, in LT G16, SAF Building. Further OGF sessions as well as the CAC sessions and workshops will take place in Huxley.
See the full set of FAS* conference booklets for full details like event maps, locations etc., and please note that the online schedule below is the most up to date for OGF, and takes precedence over any conflicting listings in the printed booklet. (This downloadable copy of the booklet has the updates below applied.)
Note that OGF attendees are also welcome to participate in sessions of the CAC 2014 conference itself. The P2P and SASO conferences have their own registrations and are linked on the OGF 42 event home page. Many activities including the keynote, opening reception, and conference dinner are also in common with these other co-located conferences.